Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dear Joe Wilson,

You are a complete douche bag. Your little outburst during PRESIDENT Obama's speech last night threw into sharp relief the complete lack of respect you, your party, and people like you have, not only for the man in office, but the office itself. It is no wonder to me, any longer, why you allowed a complete idiot to be the face of your party for so long. You aren't smart enough to know better.

Had that speech been delivered by W, you would have applauded. Had that speech been delivered by anyone other than PRESIDENT Obama, you would have sat quietly through it, grumbled your dissent, and gone about your day. But because it was PRESIDENT Obama at the microphone, you felt entitled to openly call him a liar? Who raised you? Who taught you that the PRESIDENT of the United States is not entitled more respect than to be interrupted and openly insulted while addressing the nation he leads? You should be embarrassed and ashamed. Your party should, too.

Newsflash, snowflake. Your mama lied. You are not the center of the universe. You aren't even an important piece of the machinery. You've done little to nothing to make this place better. So until you get off your happy ass and do so, keep your commentary and criticisms to yourself. And for the love of Pete, remember your place. When the PRESIDENT is addressing you, keep your pie hole shut.


This angry bitch now fueled by outrage.


Michelle said...

Seriously. I am so glad I wasn't home to watch the speech live, because if I had seen that I would have shot the TV a la Elvis.

gretchen said...

"Newsflash snowflake. Your Mama lied." As if there weren't enough reasons to love you, you give me this.

SRyanReed said...

i wish this would make the front page of the NY Times

The Lady in Red said...

Gretchen, I have to admit I stole "snowflake" from Tee. The rest is all my smart ass. :)

DaRedHed said...

You are absolutely right. Whether or not one is a fan of President Obama, he IS the president and should be shown the respect that his position is due. That guy from SC is a retard.

And all the flap over the president addressing the school children of this country. He is the PRESIDENT for chrissake. He is entitled to address our children, and they are priveleged to hear him speak.

What the heck did people expect him to say during said speech? Seriously, were they expecting him to spew pea soup from his mouth? Crazy.
(sorry this is so long)