Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm tired.

I'm tired of irresponsible people. I'm tired of hyper-sensitive people. I'm tired of ghetto-ass ignorant people. I'm tired of people who don't know what they think, but like to argue. I'm tired of people who have nothing better to do than meddle. I'm tired of fragile egos. I'm tired of people who want to be something they're not. I'm tired of jealous people. I'm tired of bitter, angry people, who've no right to be neither bitter, nor angry. I'm tired of the people who have let themselves fall so far down the rabbit hole, they couldn't claw their way out if they wanted to, and I'm tired of them trying to drag me down with them. I'm tired of the emotional retards I seem to be surrounded by. I'm tired of the walls I've built up and can't seem to knock down. I'm tired of working in the ghetto. I'm tired of lazy speech and limited vocabularies. I'm tired of the foolishness that passes for appropriate behaviour anymore. I'm tired of seeing asses hanging out of pants and boys who waddle instead of walk to keep said pants off the ground. I'm tired of people who refuse to let their kids grow up. I'm tired of people who refuse to accept responsibility for the choices they've made in this life. I'm tired of people who cannot handle confrontation. I'm tired of not being enough. I'm tired of allowing other people to 'make' me feel anything. I'm tired of taking shit and owning other people's misery. I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of being strong. I'm tired of being it. I'm tired of being stuck. I'm just tired. I think I need a nap.


Michelle J said...

You tell all those tired people that I am tired of them too! Gah!

You of course, I could never in a gazillions years ever tire off.

The Lady in Red said...

I'll never tire of you either sweets!

Amy Lane said...

I'm gonna hafta recheck that list to see if I"m on it... otherwise, I think I'm tired of the same damned people. (I'm the weak one, right? Nope...I'm the one down the rabbit hole....)