Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sweet, sweet pain

How I've missed thee. I started back to yoga class tonight. It was blissfully painful. I haven't been since around this time last year, shortly before finding out I was pregnant with Os. I have missed it. It centers me in a way that not many other things do. I feel so much more calm and in control when I have my weekly dose of self inflicted torturous stretching and introspection.


Amy Lane said...

*sigh* Okay. You're like the third person I know who is going all yoga on me...

I think I have to jump on that bandwagon... when the Universe is actually clear, that's the time to listen...

The Lady in Red said...

Come to the dark side. We have cookies! >:)
I have practiced yoga since my first year in college. It seriously keeps me sane, and it's not all that difficult once you learn the poses. It's a lot of fun. It's something you can do at home on your own or in a class with a bunch of people. I like both. The class is great because there is someone there to push me and correct me when I get a little off or over zealous. You should try it.