Friday, March 30, 2007

Teacher of the year

Yeah, that's me. I just spent a good 10 minutes of my class explaining the linguistic differences between the words force and fart to one of my students. He was adamant that 'force' was the word used to describe a fart. Fist shakingly secure in his belief that he was right, he announced it to the class. The kids were cracking up. I almost died. I was laughing so hard, I was almost crying. It's a good thing this kid has a good sense of humor. He even went on to make up a little song for himself so that he could remember the difference between the two words. I couldn't make out all his lyrics, but there was mention of a bathroom, so maybe I'm glad I missed them.
This is, however, the same kid that told me an amphibian is a girl who likes to kiss other girls, so I'm not sure I should have been surprised by today's conversation.
Most days I really like my job, but some days, I love it.


Amy Lane said...

Holy crap that's hilarious!!! (and the amphibian days like that!!!)

The Lady in Red said...

Yes, he made the whole week worth getting through!